The Armoury

Crusade Arena (RPG) :: The Armoury

This is the place where you can store all your weapons, where you can upgrade them, equip them to your pets and more.

To add weapons to your Armoury you have to click them in your inventory and choose Add to Armoury. Then you can go to the Armoury to equip the weapon to your pet, sphere them, sell them or gem them.

Sphering and Gemming
Every weapon has 10 icons slots when added to the Armoury. Spheres and Holy Gems are prizes you can win when finishing the Boss Fight in an EQ.
100% spheres always work and add 1 icon of the sphere type to the weapon. 50% spheres don't always work, but when they do they add 4 icons in 1 slot. 10% spheres have the smallest chance of working but when they work they add 10 icons on one slot.
It is best to add icons your weapon already has so the chance of them all being blocked is smaller. What you could do too is adding icons of 1 type on all 10 slots. This is a good choice when the icons of your weapon are blocked by a lot of weapons and you want to do more damage.
Gemming works in a different way. When gems fail they will destroy your weapon too, spheres won't do this. But when a gem works, especially the 10% one, the reward is amazing (unless the gem adds the smallest amount of icons possible). The Dream Crystal will stop the destroying process when a Gem fails. The Dream Crystal will be destroyed instead.

Equipping Weapons
It is actually quite easy to equip a weapon to your pet. There are just a couple of steps you have to take. First step is to buy the weapon you want to use and add it to your Armoury. Now go to your Armoury and select the pet you want to equip that weapon to from the drop down box. Then select equip and voila, your pet has the weapon equipped.
There are three moments that you might not be able to give your pet a weapon. In situation one you might try to equip a weapon qualified as a freezer to your pet and it doesn't work. This might be because your pet already has a freezer equipped. On Ichumon you are limited to one freezer in your equipment. This also counts for situation two. When you try to equip a healer and your pet already has one it simply won't work. You are allowed to only have one healer at a time.
In the last situation you try to equip more to your pet when it already has eight different weapons. The maximum amount of weapons you can equip is eight, so you cannot cross that.
During a battle it may look like you have more than eight weapons equipped. This happens when you clone your opponents weapon(s). Don't worry though. When the battle ends you no longer have those cloned weapons.

Top Ichumon
When you are in your Armoury you might see a link to the Top Ichumon. When you click that you see several different categories. You are viewing the Top Overall category at that moment too. For every category you can see the 20 Ichumon that are best in that category. For example in the Top Accuracy category you see the 20 Ichumon with the highest Accuracy stats. In the Top HP category you see the pets with the most health points and so on. No trophies are given for the top spots on these highscore tables, but it will always be a big achievement if you do happen to be on the Top Ichumon top scores.

Armoury F A Q
These questions are all answered on Ichumon as well. So consider this a simple copy-paste of them.

This is so confusing, there are so many weapons on my armoury screen, help!
If you have more than one pet with weapons equipped, you can choose to see what weapons each pet has by clicking on their respective pet names under the "Armoury" tab. You can also choose to view only unequipped items.

How do I put a weapon into my armoury?
By clicking on the weapon when it is in your inventory and selecting "move to Armoury". That will move it to your armoury and you can choose which pet to equip it to via the drop down menu of each weapon in the armoury page.

Has anything changed regarding sphered / gemmed weapons?
YES! Now you can unequip a gemmed / sphered weapon without having to wave a teary goodbye to the spheres / gems in it. All gemmed / sphered weapons when unequipped, will remain intact as long as they remain in the armoury. Unequipping a weapon from a pet via the armoury would mean that the pet no longer holds the weapon but it still remains in your armoury. Do note that if you remove it from your armoury, the spheres / gems in the weapon WILL be destroyed.

WOW! Thats awesome! I heard we can even sell / buy gemmed / sphered weapons now?
YES! You heard right! When you want to sell a weapon, just click on "view details", then "Sell", then enter the amount you want to sell it for. When someone buys a weapon from your armoury, you will get an automated ichumail notification too.

WoW! I just can't stop saying wow! What about buying then?
You can do that by clicking on "search weapons" and typing in either the weapon name or person whom you want to buy from. By doing the former, you will be shown all of that particular weapon that is for sale and you can see how each weapon is upgraded as well as the owner of the item by clicking on "view details". If you searched by name, it will show you a list of weapons that particular user has for sale.

Swwwwweeeeettt... and erm.. if I purchase a gemmed weapon, the gems will remain intact when i purchase it?
But of course, the weapon would be automatically transferred to your own armoury exactly the way it was before you clicked to buy it.

What about the upgrade function? What does it do?
That basically allows you to add spheres or gems to your weapons. There will be a drop down menu of all the weapons you have in your armoury, showing details like which pet it's equipped to and whether it is already upgraded or not and if it is, it also shows the number of slots used thus far. Just select the weapon you want to upgrade, then make sure you have the necessary sphere / gem / dream crystal (optional) in your inventory, select the respective options from the drop down menus and click "upgrade item".

Niiicccceee..!! How do I view my friend's armoury?
There is a link on every user's profile (the purple armoury icon).

There is this huge PvP tournament coming up and I don't want people spying on my weapons -shifty eyes-.
You can choose whether to have a weapon displayed in your armoury or not. By going to "view your armoury", you can do that via the drop down menus of each weapon to set them as viewable by public or not.

And when I want to remove a weapon from my armoury?
Just click on the little X for the weapon you want to remove. Do remember that by removing it from the armoury, the gems / spheres on that weapon would be destroyed.